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Time is money. How much have you lost so far?


I will do it tomorrow and work twice as hard’. This is an  example of what a lazy man will say. Jimmy lyon, a jazz musician remarked that ‘tomorrow is the only day in a year that appeal to a lazy man’. Tomorrow, later, next time are very seductive ideas but at same time the promise that goes with the idea are often false.

Procrastination is a disorder that flourishes in the mind, unnoticed by many, it gradually disarms the minds creative power, reduces self confidence, creates fear and finally cripples the mind ( if your mind is crippled then you are action dead, merely existing and not living). It is the emotional excuse to avoid doing something that doesn’t feel good or fun.

As human beings we tend to avoid uncertainty and that  which is unfamiliar, but then we all have dreams, an ambition that has in it a better future. As a general rule know that it is your action that will shape your life more than anything and the only real time is now because procrastination can lead to lost opportunities, Tardiness, irresponsibility, career troubles, unnecessary expenses, financial difficulties, dissatisfaction about self and so on


Some reasons for procrastination

Difficult - the task seems hard to do; we naturally tend to avoid difficult things in favour of those which seem easy to us.

Time-consuming - the task will take large blocks of time, and large blocks of time are unavailable until the weekend.

Lack of knowledge or skills - no one wants to make mistakes, so wait until you learn how before you start.

Fear of failure:- everyone will know how you screwed up.

      Some other reasons include: Addiction, Anxiety and fear, Arrogance, pride, Aversion, Bad habits, Discouragement, Disorganization, Distraction, Family problems,  Feeling overwhelmed, Frustration, Ill-conceived goals and unconscious motives, Indecision,  Lack of morals, Lack of time management skills, Low ambition, Low frustration tolerance, Low self-esteem, Low tolerance to stress, Objective conflict, Paranoia, Perception of difficulty, Poor attitude, Poor self-control skills, Poor study skills, Rebellion, Resentment, Self-centeredness, Self-deception, Uncertainty, and so on.


Over Coming Procrastination


In general the way out of this act of procrastination is ‘competence’ as in personal competence and this involves;

Improving emotional control through adjusting one’s hidden and significant personal view of things, such as; making the task small in your mind,  also expect some back sliding.

Focusing attention and thinking rationally, well directed thoughts.

Learning Executive (self management ) procedures like planning, scheduling and establishing priorities.

Learning habit changing methods.

Acquiring better task completion and problem solving skills.

You could also,

Get help from someone who can show you how to solve the problem

Learn how to temporarily postpone your desires. Most of the time, you will eventually get what you want.

Compliment and praise yourself for work accomplished.






If at this level of awareness, you still think procrastination is a habit you cannot change well we are proud to tell you that lots of research result showed that every behaviour is a learned one , in all what you should do is to get your behaviour on the foundation of a new core habit of taking action. Be action alive.

Now that you understand how procrastination works, and how you can greatly reduce its influence in your life, you'll experience more freedom and greater personal self-satisfaction.

Keep working on it. You may still procrastinate, but now you'll be able to resolve the situation much more quickly which in turn will enhance your feelings of self-confidence. When you do succeed, take time to savour the moment so you will remember how good it feels. This will help the next time you need encouragement.

 Some popular quotes on procrastination

 To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.  ~Eva Young

Procrastination is the thief of time.  ~Edward Young

Time  is money. How much have you lost so far?

"Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried." ~Author Unknown


“You may delay, but time will not.” ~Benjamin Franklin


“Tomorrow is like today” ~Hausa Proverb




“In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” ~Theodore Roosevelt


"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." ~Dawson Trotman


"Procrastination is the thief of time." ~Edward Young


"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." ~Don Marquis


"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.


"Even if you're on the right track -
you'll get run over if you just sit there."~
Will Rogers


The more we understand our reasons for procrastinating, the better we can develop a game plan to defeat the mañana habit

~ John Maxwell